Mpact Lecture

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Zupnik Forum, Room 1101 in A. James Clark Hall
Megan Robertson
301 405 5776

Please join us in welcoming Dr. José Reyes, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at NuScale Power, who will present:

 An Innovative Energy Solution for a Carbon Constrained World

Networking reception begins at 11:00 am; lecture starts promptly at 11:30 am. 

Join Dr. Reyes, Dean Pines and the Clark School leadership team in the main lobby of A. James Clark Hall (outside of the Zupnik Forum) for refreshments and networking before the lecture begins. 

Lecture Description:

Here is the challenge of the century. How do we generate the abundance of clean and resilient energy needed to lift nearly 6 billion people out of energy poverty while simultaneously combating climate change? This lecture presents an innovative energy solution which appears to be ideally suited for a carbon constrained world; the NuScale small modular reactor (SMR). This factory manufactured small nuclear reactor offers a new level of safety and economy. Its multi-module configuration and small footprint enables the repurposing of large coal-fired plants near population centers or small grid operations in remote areas. Its flexible power operations complements variable power output systems such as wind and solar and opens the door to new applications for nuclear power. The NuScale SMR is on schedule to receive its Final Safety Evaluation Report from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in September 2020 with first commercial operation in 2026 at the Idaho National Laboratory.

Sponsored by the A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation

Audience: Public  Campus  Clark School  All Students  Graduate  Undergraduate  Faculty  Staff  Alumni 

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