Dr. Victor K. Der completed a distinguished 37-year career of leadership, achievement, and promoting international cooperation in science, research and development at the United States Department of Energy. He retired as Assistant Secretary (acting) for Fossil Energy, with responsibilities for office operations and managing the oversight of Fossil Energy's Research and Development program, which includes one of the world’s foremost coal and carbon capture research efforts, as well as the vitally important U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Dr. Der also served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, where he helped provide strategic planning, direction, and guidance for FE’s daily activities, as well as its long-term goals and objectives.
During his DOE career, he developed and implemented several key programs within the Office of Fossil Energy. Prior to becoming the Principal Deputy, he was Deputy Assistant Secretary forClean Coal, where he was responsible for directing clean coal R&D. Included in these responsibilities were implementation of energy technology and policy initiatives relating to clean coal utilization and its role in climate change mitigation, carbon capture and storage, and fuel cells. His earlier positions at DOE also included management of programs in advanced nuclear energy, nuclear waste management, superconductivity, and magnetohydrodynamics.
As General Manager for the Americas at the Global Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Institute,he was responsible for the operations and membership in the Americas regional office which focused on programs for promoting CCS through policy advocacy, thought leadership forums and knowledge dissemination.
Vic is currently an adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia.
He also is a principal co-founder of Vicaris Energy and Technology, LLC, a venture capital entity focusing on new technology start-ups, and advising domestic and international clients instrategic low-carbon energy technology, projects and policy.
He holds a bachelor of science, a master of science, and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland and is based in the greater metropolitan area of Washington, D.C.