Pecht, Michael
George E. Dieter Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Member, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation
Founder, Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE)
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
Center for Risk and Reliability
Competitive product development Product characterization and qualification Supply chain creation and management Prognostics and health management Product reliability, risk assessment and mitigation
Courses taught:
ENME 101 Computer Engineering: F86
ENME 300 Material Science: F83,
ENME 321 Heat Transfer: F88, S93
ENME 360 Vibrations: S84
ENME 404 Engr. Design: F83
ENME 480 Engr. Experimentation: F83, S84, F84, S85, F85, S86, F86, F87, S88, F88, S89, F89, S90, F90, S91, S92, F92, F94, S95
ENME 489 Special Projects: S84, SU84, F84, S85, SU85, F85
ENME 489/808 Product Reliability - Concepts, Processes, Tests, and Applications: S86, S88, S89, S90, S96, F97, S00, S02, S03, S05, S07, S08
ENME 601 Microprocessors: S85, F85, S87
ENME 612 Advanced Electronics Packaging: F91, S93, S94,
ENME 690 Mechanical Fundamentals of Electronic Systems: F02, F03, F05
ENME 695 Design for Reliability: S03, S06, S07, S09, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S17, S18
ENME 737 Prognostic & Health Management: F06, F07, F09, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F16, F17
ENME 808A Batteries- Operation, Modeling, and Reliability: F18
ENME 808X Extreme Temperature Electronics: F92, F96
ENME 808X Plastic Encapsulated Microelectronics: S95, S97, F98, F02
ENME 808X Materials in Electronics: F99
Advising: Other than Research
1. Established co-op program at the University for local UMD high school students to gain direct experience in engineering disciplines involved in the electro-technology industry. Generally, 2 to 4 high school students participate during the summer.
2. From 1993-1996, advised undergraduate scholars in cooperation with the University of Maryland Research Experiences for Undergraduates office and the office of Graduate Minority Affairs. Students come from Lehigh, Cornell, South Carolina State University, the University of Maryland, and other schools, and represent electrical, chemical, mechanical, and industrial engineering disciplines. The eight-week program included an educational introduction to electronic packaging and individual research projects, with hands-on experience in experimental and analytical techniques. Since 1996, this has been expanded to include foreign visitors as well.
3. Advisor: Int’l Society of Hybrid Microelectronic (1989-1999)
4. Advisor: Pi Tau Sigma: (1988)
Other work
Reviewer: Division of Research VPR: W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program Proposals: June 2018
Thesis Committees
Served on the PhD Dissertation Examination Committee for Ms. Areen Abdallah Allataifeh, United Arab Emirates University, Feb. 2019.
Served as reviewer for concept papers on behalf of Division of Research at WM Keck Foundation competition, June 2018
Served on George K. Winstead (Co-Advisor along with Dr. David C. Jenn) in MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA, Sep. 2017.
Served as external examiner for Ph.D student, Mohamed Halick Mohamed Sathik of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in Jun 2017
Opponent of Veli Lumme on thesis committee, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, Dec. 2012.
Served on Prof. Lauri Sydanheimo’s student thesis committee, Dept. of Electronics, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, Nov. 2010.
Served on Mr. Chandradip Patel qualifying exam committee, Oct 2010.
Served on Suzanne Zhang (co-advisor at Beihang University, China), Sep. 2010.
Served on 48 MS thesis and 18 Ph.D. dissertation advisory committees in the Mechanical Engineering Department
Served on 13 UMD Ph.D. dissertation advisory committees outside of Mechanical Engineering
Served on Ph.D. thesis committees at Johns Hopkins University and Polytechnic University in Hong Kong
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World Premiere of Video on Battery Safety by Prof. Michael Pecht at OECD
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- International Microelectronics and Packaging Society