Engineering Sustainability Day - "Towards Zero Emissions and Beyond"
Monday, April 22, 2019
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Clark Hall Forum
Catherine Stephens
301 405 9378
2019 Engineering Sustainability Day
Join us for a day of energizing discussion as we explore the future role of negative emissions approaches and examine innovative technologies to achieve ZERO emissions and BEYOND.
Registration link.
Draft Agenda
08:30 Registration Open
09:00 Welcome Address – Darryll Pines, Dean, A. James Clark School of Engineering
09:15 Welcome - Eric Wachsman, Director, Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
09:30 Setting the Stage – Towards Zero and Beyond
- Relating Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Global Warming - Ross Salawitch, UMD Professor of Chemistry/Biochemistry
- An Innovation Agenda for Deep Decarbonization: Filling Gaps in the RD&D Portfolio - David Hart, George Mason Director, Center for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy
- Maryland: Vision & Realities - Paul Spies, Maryland Department of Commerce
10:45 Morning Break
11:00 Morning Session II – Innovations towards zero and beyond
- Sam Gomberg, Union of Concerned Scientists
- Biofuels on the Path to “Net Zero” - Joanne Ivancic, Advanced Biofuels USA
- Mark Stewart, Office of Sustainability
12:15 PM Lunch (Clark Forum, light lunch)
13:15 PM Campus Contributions Towards Zero and Beyond
- Dongxia Liu, UMD
- Sustainability and Optimal Demand Response in Power Markets - Steven Gabriel, UMDDepartment of Mechanical Engineering/Applied Math, Statistics, & Scientific Computation Program
- Dynamic Gating of Infrared Radiation in a Textile - YuHuang Wang, UMD Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry
- Greg Hitz, Ion Storage Systems
- A Novel Geared Infinitely Variable Transmission for Tidal Current Energy Harvesting- Weidong Zhu, UMBC
- The Future of your Air-conditioner- Reinhard Radermacher, UMDCenter for Environmental Energy Engineering
- Farah Singer, UMD
15:30 PM Poster Session/Reception
16:30 PM Closing (poster awards)