Faculty Directory

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Albertus, Paul
Albertus, Paul

Associate Professor

Associate Director

Baeder, James
Baeder, James

Igor Sikorsky Distinguished Professor in Rotorcraft


Bennett, Ralph
Bennett, Ralph

Professor Emeritus, Architecture, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

Brubaker, Kaye L.
Brubaker, Kaye L.

Director, Maryland Water Resources Research Center


Cadou, Christopher
Cadou, Christopher


Keystone Professor

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Chen, Po-Yen
Chen, Po-Yen

Assistant Professor

Chopra, Inderjit
Chopra, Inderjit

Distinguished University Professor

Clark Distinguished Chair

Director Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center

Cropper, Maureen
Cropper, Maureen

Professor, Chair, Economics , College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Cumings, John
Cumings, John

Associate Professor

Keystone Professor

Undergraduate Advisor

Davis, Allen P.
Davis, Allen P.

Associate Chair for Faculty Development and Advancement


Charles A. Irish Sr. Chair in Civil Engineering

Affiliate Professor, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture

Drake, Jr., James F.
Drake, Jr., James F.

Professor, Department of Physics and the Institute for Physical Science and Technology, Computer, Math, and Natural Sciences

Eichhorn, Bryan
Eichhorn, Bryan

Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

Fetter, Steve
Fetter, Steve

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, University of Maryland Office of the Provost

Former Dean, School of Public Policy, UMD

Gabriel, Steven A.
Gabriel, Steven A.


Leader, Design, Systems and Reliability Group

Gardner, Amy
Gardner, Amy

Associate Professor, AIA LEED-AP, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

Ghodssi, Reza
Ghodssi, Reza

Herbert Rabin Distinguished Chair in Engineering

Former Director, Institute for Systems Research (2009-2017)

Executive Director of Research and Innovation

Fischell Institute Fellow

Founding Co-Director, Brain and Behavior Initiative/Institute (2015-2021)

Groth, Katrina
Groth, Katrina

Associate Professor

Director, Reliability Engineering program

Associate Director for Research, Center for Risk and Reliability

Gupta, Ashwani K.
Gupta, Ashwani K.

Distinguished University Professor

Minta Martin Professor of Engineering

Professor, Institute of Physical Science and Technology

Affiliate Professor, Dept . of Aerospace Engineering

Hu, Liangbing
Hu, Liangbing

Distinguished University Professor

Director, Center for Materials Innovation

R&D 100 Award (2022, 2021, 2020, 2018)

Fellow of MRS (Class of 2022)

Hultman, Nate
Hultman, Nate

Founder and Director, Center for Global Sustainability

Professor, School of Public Policy

Hutcheson, Steven
Hutcheson, Steven

Professor, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

Kays, Jonathan
Kays, Jonathan

Natural Resource Extension Specialist, University of Maryland Extension, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Kiger, Kenneth
Kiger, Kenneth


Keystone Professor

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs

Kim, Jungho
Kim, Jungho


Program Director, ARPA-E, 2024–present

Kirk-Davidoff, Daniel
Kirk-Davidoff, Daniel

Assistant Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences